Aidan's Infinite Play 2 The Cyclical Nature of Life

Aidan's Infinite Play 2 The Cyclical Nature of Life
Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев / Unsplash

Hello Players!

Yesterday was going to be a 10/10. I had planned for a fun day of games at the Homecoming Cornell carnival followed by a jump into Second Dam, a cliff jumping spot. After my morning run I was dismayed to find out that every person I had planned to do both activities with had canceled.

My 10/10 day was gone.

Instead, I went to the library to edit a podcast and do some schoolwork. Aside from a brief call with my mom, I spent most of the day alone. Editing, learning, walking outside and looking at nature.

It was peaceful and serene.

The mundane days still mean something

Of course, I would have rather had the day of social interaction with friends but not every day can be like that. Some days you will simply "go through the routine." The routine of teaching, learning, going to work, or whatever else depending on your occupation.

These "mundane" days still have meaning. They are the bedrock that allow you to have those 10/10 days. If every day was a 10/10 by its very definition you would be having an average day every day.

Life is inherently cyclical

This realization fits into a broader concept I have been thinking about recently.

Life is inherently cyclical.

Let me explain why by looking at the day, week, month, year, and seasons.

The Daily

While every day changes somewhat, the overall tendencies in what I do is the same. I have always been more of a habit than a project person.

In the morning I like to exercise, than do my most important writing or task, and then break my fast with a friend. The afternoons change but generally I write, read, study, or pursue a project.

For dinner, I always try and eat with someone and if I'm not socializing afterward I like to read. Then I do my night routine and go to bed. Most people are more social in the evening.

The Weekly

During the week, especially during the school year, people are doing more work. On the weekends people are more willing to do things.

At college I often see people working like snobs over the week only to completely vedge out and party on the weekends.

The Monthly

On the monthly, there's enough time for people to legitimately change. Major life events can come and go.

The Yearly

On the yearly, people can change drastically. New years resolutions are made and as a student classes come and go.

The Seasonal

Spring, summer, fall, winter. Everything changes based on the season.

As a student or teacher, summer is a time of way more freedom. There's less daylight during the winter so most people are forced to spend more time inside influencing routines as a result.

Learning is cyclical

Learning is also cyclical. So much of the time when I learn a lesson, like the very notion that not every day has to be memorable, I have to be reminded of it time and time again.

Accept the Cyclical Nature

I'm coming to terms with the cyclical nature of life. A part of me will always be annoyed at the fact that not every day can be a 10/10. That some days I should spend alone doing only habitual things.

But another part of me knows it's the cyclical nature that makes life beautiful. As the seasons change, our routines change. This novelty brings energy.

I'll end with a quote from Heraclitus.

"Change is the only constant in life." - Heraclitus

Here's what I would like to share this week.

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