🧠Do You Want To Level Up Your Life With Obsidian PKM, Gamification, And Meta-Learning?

🧠Do You Want To Level Up Your Life With Obsidian PKM, Gamification, And Meta-Learning?

Join 3,000+ readers For Free On Aidan's Infinite Play Getting Weekly Actionable Essays (5-20 Min Read Time)

  • Learn how to collect, connect, and create out of the information you consume
  • Build a notetaking system that compounds your knowledge across your life
  • Turn your real life into the most fun game imaginable.
  • Learn how to learn

👋Hi, I'm Aidan

I used to be addicted to video games like a fish is addicted to water.

Now I have made notetaking in Obsidian into a game. I have reignited my childhood curiosity and fallen back in love with learning. Having invested more than 1000+ hours into effective learning, notetaking, and studying in Obsidian, I want to teach you what I’ve learned in a fraction of the time.

Why Infinite Play? Because my favorite way to play life is to treat it like an infinite game. Every day is part of a greater whole, a level in your infinite game.

I aim to help you fall in love with learning again and treat life like an infinite game.

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