Aidan's Infinite Play 20 I Solved My Dilemma! (For Now)

Aidan's Infinite Play 20 I Solved My Dilemma! (For Now)
Photo by Piret Ilver / Unsplash

I think I solved the dilemma from last week.

My recurring dilemma over the last few months has been struggling to reconcile my two lives. One, the life I have through my content creation. Secondly the life I have in University seeing my offline friends, participating in clubs, and taking classes.

After talking with a number of friends, my parents, and reading some of Dan Gilbert's fantastic book, Stumbling on Happiness, I have come to a conclusion.

As of right now, I'm staying in University.

Here are the two main realizations that helped me come to this:

  • University is the only socially accepted time I know of where I can explore my identity
  • Humans have a present bias when imagining the future

Let's go over each.

University Is A Time To Explore

Firstly, University is the only socially accepted time I know of where I can safely explore my identity without judgment. Right now, if I take a risk it's probably only my parents or my professors that might get angry (not that I don't care what my parents or professors think 🀣).

Still it's not my boss, co-workers, or clients. It's not like I'm working on The Manhattan Project. I also don't have to worry about taxes, health insurance, rent, or raising children.

This combined with the incredible array of classes, incredible student intellectual environment, and unique club activities make my time in University one of the best to explore my identity.

Humans Have A Present Bias When Imagining The Future

Secondly, humans have a present bias when imagining the future.

As adults one of our favorite questions to ask kids is "what do you want to be when you grow up?" We think it's hilarious when we hear their adorable responses.

"I want to be an astronaut. I want to be a space monster. Or I want to be superman!"

It's funny because they don't know know enough about the world to answer the question practicaly. So they answer only with things they understand and right then. We laugh at their responses without realizing that we do the exact same thing. Except when we do it, it's much higher stakes.

Let me explain.

I recently read Dan Gilbert's Stumbling Upon Happiness. In it he explains how we humans are the only animals that can imagine our futures. We can consciously plan.

This is awesome! It's one of the main reasons we have come to the state we are today, for better or for worse. However, as Gilbert elaborates our future imagining has one prominent downside.

When asking the question "what do I want to do in the future?" we tend to replace it with an easier question: "what does my present self want to do in the future?"

And we don't notice the replacement.

We do the exact same thing the kids do when asked what they want to be when they grow up. They answer the question what their present selves want to be when they grow up. Similarly, we ask what our present selves want to do in the future.

The problem is that without intention, what our present selves want is almost certainly not what our future selves want!

You know what my present self wants to do right now? Get up, get another coffee, eat a Big Mac, and then finish it off with a nice glob of peanut butter. But my future self most certainly doesn't want me to do this!

Let's return back to my dilemma and how this helps with it. One of the questions I had to ask myself when contemplating leaving University was if I would like to do full time content creation. The problem with asking that question is my brain wants to replace it with the much easier question, "how do I feel about doing content creation right now?"

Answering that question is easy. I absolutely love it! But that doesn't whatsoever mean I will enjoy full time content creation.

Once I realized this I understood why staying in University is the right choice for now. I know my two lives intermingling right now, is something that I love. I enjoy them both for different reasons. While I adore content creation slightly more it doesn't mean I will like more of it. So I'm going to stay in University and explore my identity.

This tendency isn't isolated to me. We all project our present selves into the future when imagining what we would like to do. What future questions are you struggling with answering? How might you be projecting your present self to answer those questions? Reply to this email and tell me. I would love to talk about it!

Here's what I would like to share this week.

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