🎁My Best Content On Obsidian PKM

You indicated you were interested in Obsidian PKM.

Here is some of my most popular content on Obsidian PKM that you might consider checking out.

📸YouTube Videos:

  1. Watch This to Finally Understand The Zettelkasten Method in Obsidian
  2. Solving The Folder, Tags, Links Debate With MOCs (Maps of Content)
  3. How I Take Book Notes in Obsidian: Compound Your Knowledge!

✍️Blog Posts:

  1. My Step By Step Process For Taking Conceptual Lecture Notes In Obsidian
  2. 5 Simple Levels To Supercharging Your Learning With MOCs In Obsidian
  3. Aidan's Infinite Play 37 What Is Your PKM Thinking Style? LYT 11 Part 1

✉️Free Email Courses:

🚀7 Days To Starting A Zettelkasten In Obsidian As A Student: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/3daystostartingazettelkasteninobsidianasastudent

🚀3 Days to Lecture Notetaking Mastery in Obsidian: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/3daystolecturenotetakingmastery

🗺️3 Days To Supercharging Your School Learning With MOCs In Obsidian: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/3daystosuperchargingyourschoollearningwithmocsinobsidian

✍️From Idea To Paper In Minutes: How To Write Anything In Record Time With Obsidian Notes: https://course.aidanhelfant.com/fromideatopaperinminuteshowtowriteanythinginrecordtimewithobsidiannotes

💸Paid Email Courses:

🎓Obsidian University: Your Secret Weapon at School: https://shop.johnmavrick.com/obsidian-university