🎮Stay Focused, Maintain Motivation, And Learn Faster Outside Work

🎮Stay Focused, Maintain Motivation, And  Learn Faster Outside Work

Implement my five day free email course to make learning the ultimate game by combining gamification with science based meta-learning techniques.

The average person spends 2/3 of their life outside work–-who could you be if you used even 10% of that for learning? You could learn anything you wanted to—business, coding, content creation, social skills, tango, etc.

    150+ people have taken this course.

    You have so much you want to learn, but you don’t know how to learn it.

    You can’t fly to the moon before you have a rocket. This is your rocket.

    Learning how to learn doesn’t just help you learn one thing: it helps you learn everything.

    💎Benefits Of Taking The Course

    • Discover the fundamentals behind learning anything opening you to learning everything your heart desires
    • Learn 4x as much in 1/2 the time by creating a self-learning map before starting to learn
    • Stay focused while self-learning
    • Find motivation when it gets hard 
    • Skyrocket your self-learning with purposeful practice
    • Make self-learning more fun than Minecraft

    Here’s What You Will Learn Over The Free Five Day Email Course

    Day 1 Before You Learn, Don’t Start Learning

    Discover how Scott Young finished the four year MIT computer science curriculum in one year using the power of meta-learning. Learn how to create a meta-learning map using the Q.U.E.S.T. framework. This will give you much more clarity over what you want to learn, why you want to learn it, and how you will learn it.

    Day 2 How To Stay Focused While Self-Learning

    Find out how Eric Barone created one of the most successful indie games ever—Stardew Valley—on his own using the incredible power of focus. Learn how to navigate the three biggest blockers to focus in self-learning: starting to focus (procrastination), sustaining focus (distraction), and changing the quality of one’s focus.

    Day 3 Finding Motivation When It Gets Hard: Hitting The Grind

    Discover how I made it through my cut in the gym using the power of motivational techniques. Find out the five insights video games can tell us about how to create infinite motivation for our learning endeavors. And what to do when motivation fails.

    Day 4 How To Skyrocket Your Learning With Purposeful Practice

    Uncover the secret sauce behind how Faker has risen to the top of League Of Legends E-sports winning the world championship four times. Learn how to supercharge your self-learning with the F.I.G.H.T. framework. Learn smarter, not harder.

    Day 5 How To Make Learning More Fun Than Minecraft

    Read about the insight Doctor Ali Abdaal had on learning after going through a backbreaking emergency Christmas Day shift in the hospital. Integrate five insights for making learning more fun than any video game.

      Self-Learning Quest Is The Video Game Course You Didn’t Know You Wanted

      We all love playing video games.

      But do we enjoy or learn as effectively in real life? I thought this way until I realized: why not make self-learning the most fun game imaginable?

      Over the course of the five days you will travel from the Swamps Of Disclarity to the Hellfire Magefields. The end goal: The Key Of Self-Learning, a legendary artifact which makes your self-learning endeavors 10x more effective. Every lesson in Self-Learning Quest tasks you against a boss which you can only defeat by reading through the lesson and completing the action items.

      Here’s who you’ll be fighting against:

      Boss 1 Nebuloth, The Mistwraith King

      Boss 2 The Goblin Party

      Boss 3 Seraphina, Queen Of The Reef

      Boss 4 Balzog The Fat (Probably Eats Too Much Peanut Butter)

      Boss 5?

      Guess, you’ll have to take the course to find out…

        ☄️Here’s What People Are Saying About Self-Learning Quest

        “The Gamification idea of Self-Learning Quest is brilliant. I really enjoyed the flow of content with gold nuggets, the personal stories as examples and the link to the video gaming themes. It is really well researched and has a really clear overall structure with a nice narrative arc.” - Joana
        I enjoyed, the details in your writing makes everything really clear for me and you didn't add anything just because. I also liked that you send us a the links to the blogs to read it, if we didn't want to wait. - Carol
        Thank you and well done for your journey and creation of this course! It is really inspiring and I am not even a video gamer, it is still relevant, and I hang out with enough gamers to know the games referenced - Tony
        I absolutely loved the course! Honestly, I’m still processing it all. I’ll be sharing it in my newsletter tomorrow. - Angie

        ✨Learning How To Self-Learn Can Change Your Life—It Changed Mine

        In high school, I used to play games like Minecraft, Terraria, and Civilization 6 sometimes for as much as 7+ hours a day. 

        Games are life on steroids–their mix of clearly defined goals, rules, and feedback create a sanctuary where we can order consciousness and enter the holy grail of states, flow, a state in which we lose consciousness of the self, soaring from the simple to the stellar, the mundane to the sublime, the human to the godly, and battling against the surge of everyday frustrations in a cocoon of focused attention.

        Okay, I know that sounds over the top, but this is genuinely how I feel while playing video games--if only real life learning could feel this way...

        It's been three years since then and I now have a YouTube channel, blog, newsletter, and podcast which give me a steady stream of passive income. I have made countless friends online and gotten multiple job offers simply through people finding my content. Oh, and I love learning.

        How did I go from video game addicted teenager to self-learning aficionado?

        I learned to stay focused, maintain motivation, and learn faster in my real life self-learning through taking insight from how video games make learning engaging, fun, and personalized.

        Throughout my journey I have had to learn all kinds of things like editing, marketing, sales, public speaking, pixel art, writing, psychology, gamification, and more. Many of these skills didn't have a standard curriculum attached to them and even if they did they weren't personalized to my individual needs. Instead, I had to forge my own path using the power of self-learning.

        You're in the same boat.

        Perhaps you’re entering or embedding yourself in the job market and hoping to use self-learning to get an edge up. Or you're looking to learn things outside of work or traditional schooling as a hobby. Or you'd simply like to be good at something.

        Whatever the case this five day free email course challenge will help you make the same journey.