Aidan's Infinite Play 11 You Have More Influence Than You Think

Aidan's Infinite Play 11 You Have More Influence Than You Think
Photo by Linus Nylund / Unsplash

Hello players!

Today my brother asked me what drives me. How do I come to almost every interaction with overwhelming positivity and continue to pursue goals not expected of me?

He was going through a low point at Utrecht because he couldn't physically find driven, likeminded people at his college. And he didn't feel like he could continue to be positive and driven without a mindset shift.

I told him that, surprisingly, I'm actually not god. I'm human. I don't wake up every morning with an infinite splurge of motivation to create content, go to class, exercise, and read.

But I explained that one concept inspires me repeatedly during my lowest lows: rippling.

Rippling is the idea that your actions in the world influence the feelings and actions of people you interact with, which in turn influence the feelings and actions those people ripple out to others in their day.

In effect, you have way more influence over other people than you think you do because the ripples you instill in those you interact with carry over to the people they interact with creating a beautiful butterfly effect.

So when I come to my interactions offline, my ripples don't just affect the person I interact with; they carry over to the hundreds and thousands of people they interact with.

When you take this idea and apply it to online content creation, the effect one person's ripples can have on others quickly becomes unfathomable.

This answered my brother's question about why I can come to almost all my interactions with positivity and will; I know they will have positive ripples. But it didn't answer how I continue to feel driven to do things not expected of me by my biological and social controls.

To answer this, I told my brother that I believe happiness is not the ultimate goal of life. The pursuit of happiness for its own sake is foolhardy. Instead, the overcoming of adversity in the pursuit of one's goals is what brings meaning.

This is better than happiness.

All you can hope is you're lucky enough to experience happiness along the way.

Life is short. On average, people have 4000 weeks to live. Do you really want to spend that time sitting on your couch eating Doritos and watching television all day?

I won't lie, all the content creation, the reading, the writing, the remaining disciplined brings me immense suffering at times. Sometimes I feel tired, doubtful, and like I'm screaming into a black hole.

But there is meaning in the suffering itself. No truly important things are ever done without some suffering along the way.

Life is an infinite game but we play it in finite time. So in your limited time in this world, why not do something interesting and leave ripples in the people around you? Who knows, maybe they will make their own self-improvement journeys, striving toward a goal in the face of adversity, and cause positive rippling themselves.

Here's what I would like to share this week.

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