Aidan's Infinite Play 12 School Killed Your Childhood Curiosity

Aidan's Infinite Play 12 School Killed Your Childhood Curiosity
Photo by Ivan Aleksic / Unsplash

As kids we come to life with a curious, playful, and gameful mindset.

We ask questions about everything. We play. And we love games, whether four square, Monopoly (only when you're winning of course), and tag.

But then.


School dampens our childhood curiosity and inhibits our playful gameful mindsets through forced assignments, tests, essays, quizzes, and homework. Instead of learning for the sake of learning itself, we learn to get the best grade on the test.

We are taught to separate things into categories and labels which of course helps with understanding but can hurt curiosity.

Kids stop having the freedom to use their imagination to their hearts content. A rock becomes an assemblage of minerals instead of a piece of space matter to be used as a weapon against the incoming Alien invasion.

At the same time, we stop seeing games and play as a fundamental part of life. Instead, they become "kid activities," as if enjoyment and play should be confined to only the very early parts of our life.

Of course, some of this process is good. We can't be kids forever. And not all schooling is this bad, but a concerningly large amount of the Cornell students I have talked to give me experiences that resonate with this storyline.

What's often the result of all of this?

Students stop coming to learning with curious, playful, and gameful mindset. Learning stops being an enjoyable activity but rather something you HAVE to do for some number grade.

Worse yet, this mindset carries itself over into adulthood. Many adults I know think they don't like learning when what they really don't like is the learning they have been taught to do throughout traditional schooling.

What's the solution?

I believe people need to reignite our childhood curiosity.

Ingrain a gameful and playful mindset.

Having a gameful mindset means coming at your daily activities with an understanding and willingness to fail. Like in games, you know the process of failure is part of winning.

It comes with the understanding the journey is more important than the destination. The worst part of a game is usually after it's over. The fun part is while you're playing.

And having a Playful mindset means coming to your daily activities without rigid rules and an openess to spontaneity.

You don't take yourself too seriously.

You're a bundle of sentient organic matter floating on a rock in space. The rock isn't going to explode if you don't finish your essay or problem set due tomorrow.

Enjoyment, play, and games aren't things that should be constrained to just the early periods of our life. They are a fundamental part of enjoying your time on this planet.

Here's what I would like to share this week.

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